May 28, 2020
Group Policy Objects: How To Define and Manage Them Properly Group Policy Objects have been an intrinsic part of any Active Directory deployment since they came along with Windows 2000. But given that they have been around for such a long time, it is common to find GPO implementations that are not in the best state of repair. In this article, we will cover some quick and easy ways to try and get back on top of them.
Apr 2, 2020
Many organisations are suddenly having to massively expand their remote working footprint. The April Security Challenge is a call to mid-sized cybersecurity solution vendors that can help people suddenly faced with standing up remote working regain control of their environments. To take part, each vendor needs to put forward a tool they ordinarily charge for, for free, for the rest of April. The List Below is a list of vendors that are making one of their products completely free for April 2020.
Feb 25, 2020
Finding Pwned Passwords in Active Directory Weak and pwned passwords accounted for 73% of breaches in the last year, as reported by Verizon and Rapid7. Do you know how many of your users are using a blacklisted password? If you test user passwords, you’ll know Microsoft has never made it easy. There are always tricks to export password hashes but each method has its pros and cons. Why? The New NIST Password Guidelines make sensible new recommendations.